How Hamlet nearly killed Oscar: The big studio revolt that almost ended the Academy Awards

It would take just a week after the shocking awards ceremony for the response from the big studios to hit the headlines, as they did on the 1st of April, 1949 and read like April's Fool Day jokes, including "Academy Awards May Be Stopped" and "Hollywood Oscars May Be On The Way Out." The first … Continue reading How Hamlet nearly killed Oscar: The big studio revolt that almost ended the Academy Awards

Sid Grauman: the hair, the theaters, the chutzpah.

 Anyone who comments about a rare early morning start to play himself in a movie that, "Birds were singing. How long has that been going on?" I could have had a lot of fun with. Of all the early Hollywood elite that I have written about, the one I most wished I could have met … Continue reading Sid Grauman: the hair, the theaters, the chutzpah.