Sid Grauman: the hair, the theaters, the chutzpah.

 Anyone who comments about a rare early morning start to play himself in a movie that, "Birds were singing. How long has that been going on?" I could have had a lot of fun with. Of all the early Hollywood elite that I have written about, the one I most wished I could have met … Continue reading Sid Grauman: the hair, the theaters, the chutzpah.

RIP Louis B. Mayer, The Lion of Hollywood

On October 29th, 1957 Louis B. Mayer died from leukemia, a disease which would claim his nephew, Leonard Cummings, the youngest child of my great-grandmother, Ida Mayer Cummings, just eight years later.

A Room So Powerful…

This is one of the oddest photos in the collection. Clearly, Louis B Mayer is chairing a meeting, but which one? And who is the amazing mustachioed man? The boardroom table, with its incredibly polished surface, mirrors these men of power. In fact, through some freak of lighting, the table reflects them in an even … Continue reading A Room So Powerful…