Ida and the Sinner, Mae West

"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." Mae West ONE OF THE hardest things to do is to accurately judge the impact of a rebel after society has morphed in their direction. It’s the difference between falling down a set of stairs and remembering it as stubbing your toe. … Continue reading Ida and the Sinner, Mae West

CJ Johnson of ABC Radio podcast Movieland interviews Alicia Mayer

CJ Johnson, host and producer of Movieland, ABC Radio's podcast for lovers of film and the film business, interviewed me for the latest episode. Together, we cover the controversy over Ben Urwand's book, The Collaboration: Hollywood's Pact with Hitler and what it has taken to defend my great-uncle, Louis B. Mayer, from Urwand's sensationalistic claims. At the time of the … Continue reading CJ Johnson of ABC Radio podcast Movieland interviews Alicia Mayer

Death comes to the creator of The Three Stooges after a night at the Trocadero.

Exactly what happened after the initial altercation with Albert "Cubby" Broccoli and his cousin Pat DiCicco is not clear, but Healy would later be found at a Hollywood hotel where the hotel doctor sewed up a huge gash over his left eye.

The pro-Hitler maid who nearly killed George Burns’ career

Three years after this photo, their perfect world would come crashing down thanks to two diamond bangles from Paris, a shadowy "Nicaraguan diplomat," and the vengeful, Hitler-loving maid of a Supreme Court judge. Read on, dear friends, for just like you, I had no idea our beloved George Burns got caught up in a smuggling … Continue reading The pro-Hitler maid who nearly killed George Burns’ career

Sid Grauman: the hair, the theaters, the chutzpah.

 Anyone who comments about a rare early morning start to play himself in a movie that, "Birds were singing. How long has that been going on?" I could have had a lot of fun with. Of all the early Hollywood elite that I have written about, the one I most wished I could have met … Continue reading Sid Grauman: the hair, the theaters, the chutzpah.